Archives May 2012

Giving your kids a better life

This is going to be one of those rants that will quite possibly cause many people to be rather irate with me. Luckily I don’t care because it’s a point that should be made. Living in south Florida and traveling the world in my spare time I come across an eclectic set of people from all sorts of diverse backgrounds.

Recently some rather interesting set of events transpired which led me to this article.

If you are ever with a significant other and he/she gets rather angry one day because a work emergency comes up and it needs to be attended to than take the following paragraph into consideration.

In life you need a balance between work and social time. I am very fortunate to have the benefit of more leisure time than almost all of my peers. However, if something that is going to make a big difference on your bottom line comes up and taking care of the matter will have a substantial impact on your future life and more importantly your childrens life than a significant other who gets mad at the situation is no good because they are saying I care more about myself, my life, and me than I do about our future and the kids that may blossom into your life one day.


Connected Entrepreneur

In part of my experiments that I like to run on Google it’s intriguing to find an opportunity to create a resume for myself that is not created for an immediate response or job offer but rather as proof to the skills that I have developed over the years. In this case and scenario I am taking my main website: and the words “Connected Entrepreneur” and creating a resume that will hopefully impress the Matt Cutts of the world.

As my good friend Marc put it “thats a great fucking website, you are making the point that you are the connected one and you don’t need to be out in a suit & tie trying to impress people because you have the innate ability.”

So here is to experiments and results!