Archives 2021

Richart D Ruddie

Richart D. Ruddie Podcast about the stupid comments and lack of altruism that we see online. It’s been a wild 6 years since Donald Trump announced his intention to run for president of the united states. Since then social media has been on fire and people have spoken their minds and spread their thoughts no matter how crazy online.

It’s an idea and not sure I want to tie the facepalms into an entertainment bid to profit off of the situation that we’re in but it’s an idea that has some merit and could have some legs.

For more details read here:

Recent Press Coverage

Thank you to the Times of Malta, Irish Central, Yahoo! Finance, Disrupt Magazine and the others who have covered my work in the public relations industry.

Google is only 5.5x Bigger than Bing

The Bing Search Network processed about 640 billion queries in 2020 as of data released on: December 24, 2020. It was originally published on February 27, 2018. So either “last year” refers to 2017, 2018, or 2019. That works out to 930 million queries per day. The Internet Live Stats Website -ESTIMATES- Google processes about 5.3 billion queries per day. so Google searches are only ~5.5x to Bing searches.

Sounds off to me..