uber vs yellow cab – Official Richart Ruddie Entrpereneur Blog https://richartruddie.net Richart Ruddie Entrepreneur Blog Fri, 17 Oct 2014 18:46:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.7.1 Uber vs. Yellow Cab in South Florida https://richartruddie.net/uber-vs-yellow-cab-in-south-florida/ Fri, 17 Oct 2014 18:46:59 +0000 https://richartruddie.net/?p=51 So South Florida has eagerly anticipated the arrival of Uber as an alternative to the dismal Yellow Cab. The many complaints lodged against Yellow Cab ranges from the lack of unfriendliness from the majority of their drivers to the fact that their drivers consistently try to lie and say that their credit card machines do not work when they clearly do. This became such an issue that their is not a requirement for the credit card machines in their taxi cabs.

As I travel a lot it is always a $20.00 yellow cab fare from my house to and from the airport. The other day upon my arrival at the Fort Lauderdale Airport I was excited to try my first Uber from the airport to my home to see if there was any real cost savings. I arrived outside of terminal 1 Southwest which is further than any other cab pickup point thus giving Uber the disadvantage and even then my final cab fare came out to $14.85 a savings of $5.15 thanks to Uber.

While the money saved is not a big deal (if you take an uber once a week from the Airport that is $267.80 a year in savings) but rather that it was fast and efficient and the Uber driver was nice and talkative compared to the majority of the Yellow Cabs in town.

Yellow Cab                      Uber

$20.00                                 $14.85
